Sunday, 30 July 2017

GERD: Risks of Halitosis Development in the Elderly

Halitosis among the elderly is quite common. In many cases, the complications with halitosis are a result of metabolic disorders, complications with poor oral hygiene, or even complications with a gastrointestinal infection. For some aging adults, however, there is a risk for developing halitosis when complications of GERD are not well managed.

GERD, or acid reflux, is an ailment that affects adults of all ages. In elderly adults, after many years of unresolved acid reflux, there is a risk for complications associated with voice changes, esophageal pain, and even the development of halitosis. If you are caring for an aging parent who seems to have chronic bad breath, you may want to consult a physician about the possible need for GERD treatment.

When food is eaten, and then only partially digested as is the case with GERD, particles of consumed food and enzymes reflux back into the esophagus. When this type of health condition is chronic, there can be a mixture of food particles left in the esophagus, which leads to a complication with bad breath.

While most elderly adults may attempt to rid the halitosis by brushing their teeth or even using breath mints, the complications of GERD-induced halitosis will not dissipate until the food particles in the esophagus are permitted to be digested, and until the complications with GERD are resolved. In some cases, breath mints or excessive use of toothpaste may actually worsen the halitosis if these items are swallowed and then also refluxed back into the esophagus.

A doctor can prescribe medications to reduce the frequency of GERD and to reduce the complications with acid reflux. So, if you are concerned about the health complication, be sure to ask your doctor to prescribe medication. With proper treatment, and good oral hygiene, the complications with GERD and halitosis can be resolved without further significant incidences. The key to your parent’s optimal health lies in getting the condition diagnosed properly by visiting the best clinic in your area and then actively treating the condition with medications rather than home remedies.


The post GERD: Risks of Halitosis Development in the Elderly appeared first on Gastroenterologists In Florida.


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